Breast Augmentation Recovery

Recovering After a Breast Augmentation

Post-operative care after a breast augmentation or breast augmentation with a lift. The experience for both these procedures can be somewhat similar, particularly if the implants are placed underneath the muscle and a dual plane. The discomfort associated with that can be a little more significant. So talking about pain, it will not be pain-free.…

What Causes Gynecomastia

What Causes Gynecomastia

You might not realize it, but you’re probably surrounded by guys with gynecomastia every day. While some do not know they have the condition, others are very aware of their appearance and how it makes them self-conscious. Some sources say that this condition affects around 40 to 60 percent of men at some point in…

What Is Cosmetic Surgery

What Is Cosmetic Surgery

Every person wants to be happy with themselves. We all want to look in the mirror and feel confident about what we see, but sometimes that is not always possible without some help. Cosmetic surgery can provide that confidence boost you want. There are so many procedures that it is hard to choose which one…

How to Remove Body Fat

Remove Excess Body Fat With Liposuction

Quickly and safely remove excess body fat with liposuction Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in the United States today. The procedure has been around for over 30 years, but it is still a mystery to many people. Is lipo safe? It is if you have an experienced cosmetic surgeon, follow all…

How to Lift Eyelids

Eyelid Lift

Many people don’t realize how crucial their eyelids are to their overall appearance and confidence. If you have droopy, tired-looking eyes from age, genetics, or excess weight, an eyelid lift can help restore your youthful appearance. The benefits go way beyond just making you feel better about yourself. It can also help you see clearer.…

What is a Face Lift

What Is a Facelift

What Is a Facelift? A facelift is a cosmetic procedure intended to reduce the signs of aging that appear on the skin of your face. A facelift will remove deep-seated wrinkles, restore or improve sagging skin and diminish jowls. Cosmetic surgery is a popular option for removing undesirable features and getting back a youthful appearance.…

What To Expect After a Tummy Tuck

What to Expect After a Tummy Tuck

What to expect after your tummy tuck procedure? After your tummy tuck procedure, it is very common to experience some pain and discomfort. In most cases, this can be managed with medication prescribed by the surgeon. If you are experiencing any other symptoms that concern you or that do not go away within a few…

Are Breast Implants Safe

Breast Implants Safety

Are Breast Implants Safe? Over 300,000 women yearly are getting breast implants in the United States. The vast majority of that number report that they are satisfied and comfortable with their implants. Still, that does not mean that the surgery comes without its risks. Breast augmentation history goes back to the late 1800s where a…