What you need to know about breast augmentation revision.
Getting breast implants can be a life changing experience. Most women are very happy with their new shape. You spent time with your cosmetic surgeon and determined the breast size that you agreed would look best and make you feel the most comfortable you. Cosmetic surgeons work with the patient to be sure they are happy with the size, shape, texture and type of implants they will be receiving.
For some women, after the implants have been placed, they find that they are not 100% satisfied. Sometimes a larger or a smaller breast size is desired. Breast augmentation revision provides an opportunity to make changes in size, texture, or even the type of implant to achieve your perfect result.
In other cases, there may have been factors that have changed your body. This could be directly related to the breast augmentation procedure or changes to breast tissue due to pregnancy and breastfeeding. Weight gain and weight loss may also affect the appearance of your breasts.
In rare cases patients may experience a complication from an implant malfunction. When a saline breast implant ruptures, the body absorbs the liquid that leaks out of the shell. The patient may experience the discomfort of having a deflated breast. The saline is safe but not being visibly asymmetrical can be mentally devastating to some. Silicone implants may also rupture, and the leak may go undetected until discovered through a MRI. A defective silicone implant must also be replaced.
Another possible reason for the replacement of a breast implant is a complication called capsular contraction. Scar tissue around the implant hardens and begins to contract, compressing the implant. Left uncheck this can become a painful condition and cause noticeable flaws in the breast appearance.
Whatever the reason for considering breast augmentation revision, the result is to restore the body back to its original state, change the size of the implant or deal with a defective implant. In each of these cases breast implant revision may be an effective option to correct the concern.
How soon can I get an implant revision?
Several studies have shown that breast augmentation has a positive impact on most patients. Satisfaction with their breasts and body image is reflected in improved self-esteem, sexual well-being, a reduction in depression and even alleviating eating disorders.
But not everyone feels this way. It is not uncommon to feel self-conscious and that the breast implants were too large or not what they expected. It is recommended that patients allow the swelling to resolve and to allow the implants to “settle” into place. If after 3-4 months you are still unhappy with the results of the procedure, it may be time to have a consultation with your doctor. This will give you time to determine if you really want a revision and allows your body the time it needs to fully heal. In most cases, your doctor will recommend waiting at least six months from the time of your augmentation to a breast implant revision.
Depending on what specific procedure you have done, breast revision surgery may be shorter and less painful than the original surgery. Immediately after the surgery you can expect to feel swollen and sore.
Is breast revision expensive?
Dependent upon the type of procedure, revision surgery may be less expensive than the original breast augmentation surgery. If you want to replace one type of implant with another – for example switching from saline to silicone gel or to go up or down in size, the the cost may be about the same. However, complications such as capsular contraction or major implant malposition that require significant pocket repair may indeed cost more than the initial breast augmentation. These procedures can be more complex and time consuming than the initial surgery.
Are you an ideal candidate for breast implant revision?
All elective procedures require that you be in generally good health and breast augmentation revision is no exception. Being healthy is crucial to reducing risks from the procedure. You should not be pregnant, or nursing and it should be at least six months since giving birth or when you stopped nursing to consider breast augmentation revision surgery. If you are a smoker it is recommended you quit at least several months in advance and after the surgery. To reduce risks from the procedure, you should eat a healthy diet, be relatively active and close to your goal weight. In addition, you must be mentally prepared for a surgical procedure, can take time off for recovery, willingness to follow post-operative instructions and be aware of potential risks.